My Silence
I didn't tell you before.
I wanted to.
There are lapses in this story.
It is like a silhoutte.
It is incomplete.
It doesn't make sense.
But it has a name.
Some day when i tell you,
it will bring us back
to where the story began
and you will realise the lapses.
I give you my word.
For now,
I give you my silence.
- Jo Nketiah
About Jo
Jo Nketiah is Ghana's most prolific social media poet, commenting on our everyday life and asking real questions with unequalled bravery and sincerity in an uninhibited manner. Her creativity is refreshing and inspiring and very characteristic of a new generation of young African artists who are changing the world with their spoken word and other creative arts. Jo's poems are featured in Volume One of the Adinkra Series Funtunfunefu 'Synched' published in 2019.
A man died here
His body is gone
His soul hovers to and fro
Trying to make sense of his death
There is a reminder of him though
Yellow tape guards the last place he laid White chalk draws an outline of his body Just as he was
When he took his last breathe
Pretty soon his face will adorn
T-shirts, wild stories will be told
To show who knew him the most
Prayers will be offered up
While liquor is poured out,
The holy ghost will be invoked
To guide him home
A sign of the cross will be made
When his name is mentioned
He wasn't particularly loved
He wasn't particularly hated
He barely existed
But on a weekend, in a church room
Picked by a family who was never there
He will be laid in state
Friends he didn't know he had
Will tell other strangers
How close they were to him
How tight their bond was
They will shed tears
But not from their heart
Its just for show,
Loud music will be played
For his soul to dance to
While it seeks a new abode
On the other side,
By 12,noon the funeral
Will become a party
Death is quite fashionable in these parts. Saturdays are the culmination of fashion Week in these parts
And Sundays,....
Sundays are the climax
An orgasmic clash of colors
Head wraps and 3 piece agbada
We will make it to church
Where we will check out what
Each one is wearing,
We will uuuh and Aaah
We will give fans and deride
We will admire and scoff
At what is worn by each and everyone
By Sunday evening,
The dead will be forgoten
Except by those who really cared
Yes, death is in fashion in these parts Whenever she shows up, we throw a freaking party for her, we love putting the
Fun in funeral
- Kwel
About Kweli
Kweli is a spokenword artist and writer from Ghana, West Africa who just tries to write from the heart. Kweli started writing as a form of therapy to deal with depression and anger and pain and now try to use his writing to inspire others. Kweli has three singles out on SoundCloud. It is his dream to one day perfrom the perfect spokenword piece that will elicite smiles, laughter, tears and hope. Kweli is also a teacher who teaches at the high school level, he teaches Business Management and Government Is Kweli crazy? Most definitely, is Kweli weird? (wink wink), is Kweli dope? He's high on crack. Lol. Kweli is crazy, and sane at the same time, it's up to you to delve into the side you want to vibe with. Twitter : @Kweliwrites Intsgram : @kweliwrites Facebook : Kweli PenGod.
You are going to take my hands in yours, Stare into my soul like it holds the answer to all your confusions
Tell me I am beautiful and intelligent and smart
You are going to try tell me how much you love me
But your words will cling to your vocal chords, threaten to strangle it
You are going to smile and tell me I am a fine girl
Then you are going to kiss the top of my head But not today,
Today I will hold you close Inhale your exhale Smile at your smiles
Tell you I love you,
I miss you, I want you
Today I empty my heart in to your laps
Wrap myself in your skin Some day,
You are going to hug the breath out of my lungs
Wear despair on your face like left over regret Tell me it is the hardest thing you ever had to do
You are going to try to tell me it is the right thing to do
But your words, they will conspire against you, put a villain costume on your heart
You are going to tell me I have a basket full of youth, magnetic enough to attract better Then you are going to kiss my forehead
But not today,
Today I rub my face against your beard
Trace my finger tips across your chest
Imprint my heartbeat on your heartbeat
Tell you to take root in me, tell you loving you is like Jesus loving humanity, tell you about the future
Today I immortalise you
Today I am the space at the empty side of your bed
You are going to walk in my daddy's footprints
Shut your heart in my face
Tell me your heart still beats for me
You are going to try to tell me nothing has to change
But my heart, my heart will shatter at your feet
And you are going to try to remind me that I have the strength to hold the jagged pieces of my heart in palms and breathe wholeness in to it
And I will crumble into a heap like a pile of undone laundry
I will beg you to take my life
Take this enormously large broken heart with you
I will rue the dawn we first kissed
I will tell you I have been waiting for this,
I have waited for this
Then you are going to kiss me good bye
But not today,
Today I let you in
I come at your will
Offer my desires as a burnt offering
Tell you you are beautiful
Today I love you
Foolishly, stupidly, recklessly, callously
Today I love you
Passionately, fieryly, sweetly, meekly
Today I love you
Enough to walk away!
- Nayram Kakraba
About Nayram
Nayram Afi Kakraba is a young poet, writer, and teacher. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies from the Ghana Institute of Journalism. She Co founded 'Impact'- a drama group that seeks to make social change through theatre arts. She is also a partner in the NyansaPoetry Movement- a movement that seeks to create a global platform for Ghanaian poets to share their works. She loves good books, good music, good food and the beach.
I serenade you
Alas to dance to the tempo played
By my heaving breath and the beat of your heart Left - right, right - left
I wriggle right under your influence
Left in an airless dark space
Pressure over pleasure
Fighting feelings in a tight place
Left -right, right - left
I hit my head against walls
Left my "Noes" in the unknown
And gave my "Yeses" to you
Canned by you, I have no brand
My identity unmentioned
Tagged by you, I am bagged
My worth unpriced
To Being influenced by your spell
I move Left - right, right - left
Left bereft of any right
I wear you I walk you I speak you
I gave me no voice just to fit in your skin
I succumbed to your image
Basked in your shadow "Look like this,
Fix your tresses like this,
Eat like that,
Your weight makes you disgusting"
I battled with my shadow to leave me
So I could become the shape of you
The circle you built for a square like me, Chiselled and worn out just to fit in
Left - right, right - left I am left afloat in a skyless globe
The sky could never be my limit
As I fight with confusion in my head
All the "wows" are not for me
All the applause - your achievement
Alas a slave's glory is for the master
In your sight I was a parasite but
"No" Like the tick in the fair you make me sick So I will fight back every attack that led me astray
Here is to a soul vexed after being hexed by your influence
I will no longer cry in the rain for you
I will no longer hide my scars with make over I will no longer mute my voice and let you control me
I will not let you place me on a shelf of no value
I will not let you surround and ground me I will not let my head sink in the sea of who I am not
Where once deep inside you, my powers were cowered but now I will wear me
I will talk me I will walk me
Out of your skin To be positive
To bloom on concrete floors
Win in terror stricken sand storms
To swim in high tides
To fly with the clouds
And dance with my shadow
To standout if standing out of your skin is what it takes to walk my path
I will refill my wings with new feathers
And soar where eagles fly in my skin
And learn to cheer me on
To Becoming Me.
Joy Siaw-Asamoah
About Joy
Joycelyn Siaw-Asamoah is a Ghanaian who has passion for children and youth development. She has a Master of Science degree in Project Management from the University of Southampton and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration (HRM option) from Central University College and was awarded Best Graduating Student -Human Resources year group with first Class. She has made significant contributions to the lives of children, youtghs and orphans. She is also a musician and a passionate writer. She was recently awarded The Africa for Her Champion by the Young African and Leadership Initiative and the US Embassy. She is the founder and director of OLAF, One Life Aid Foundation , an NGO that works to execute the Sustainable Development Goals.
At birth I refused to cry
Perhaps, still in shock of my kidNAP From heaven to earth
At three I was grown. Grown enough to be Mome's shock absorber,
Life electrocuted too
At five I learnt to fly
My heart had lumps of dreams too thick to dissolve,
Solid enough for take off
At ten I had become the sky
A reflection of boundlessness untapped,
The dwelling of twinkling stars awake
At fourteen I found myself trapped in me, Beneath golden diamonds in poetry shapes.
The stones were rolled away
At twenty I could tickle the sun
Making her every move drench souls in sweetness.
The world was sad enough
At twenty two I increased my volume,
Making hearts beat to the melodies of my being Music had become me.
When twenty five (and beyond)
I'll still be me,
With that face, the reflection of father's very image I am memory encased in flesh and blood.
Do not call me human. Memories don't die
About Eden
Eden Benibo is a Nigerian writer, story teller and thought leader whose works revolve around positivity, as she believes the world is sad enough. Therefore, requires a shift.. Her works, which began as an overflow of her childhoods days, have been published on various platforms including, The Evergreen Poetry Journal, New York, USA,The New England Poetry Anthology,The Kalahari Review, Libretto Magazine, Qwenu, amongst others. Eden is a graduate of Mass Communication, University of Benin. She is currently a Content Writer at Etu Odi Communications, an Author at She Leads Africa, and a Youth/Change Ambassador at Roundtable Global. Aside from writing, reading and exploring her thoughts, she is also great at making people fall in love with poetry, become poets or the poem.
AMAZON BURNS, Losers are Many
Losers are many
in the play fields of greed and corrupt under deals Winners are few in the board rooms where loot is shared among baptized robbers Its a world phenomena reaching its evil tentacles to the remotest of villages In earnest search
of minerals,
logs and virgin farmlands Man has
gone beyond mad
into a demonic euphoria caring not at the consequences of his myopic view
We import corruption,
we export corruption We buy with corruption,
we sell with corruption We defend with corruption,
we deliberate with corruption
So we marvel
at the blaze consuming the earth's lungs
With natives scampering
with tails between their scorched thighs
We spin tales
taller than lying tongues to justify the scum
Who said you get away with a lie to nature?
Natives may die and your farmland you get How about when rains fail and your crops die?
How about invasion of earth by excess carbon?
Will gold and mighty logs give you
a gallon of oxygen
for you as you lay suffocating
in your ill gotten mansion?
Amazon burns today
We, all, without exception
shall burn tomorrow
The price of greed is paid by the future Amazon burns today
We, all, without exception shall burn tomorrow
Unless you stand to say no to the massacre of OUR collective heritage.
Nancy Ndeke. @ August 2019
About Nancy
NANCY NDEKE is a Poet of international acclaim. A reputable literary arts consultant and a distinguished Literature Scholar. Her writings and poetry are featured in several collections, anthologies and publications around the globe including the American magazine Wild Fire, Save Africa Anthology. World Federation of Poets in Mexico. Ndeke is a Resident Contributor of the Brave Voices Poetry Journal.African Contributor to the DIFFERENT TRUTHS, a publication that sensitizes the world on the plight of Autism edited by Aridham Roy. SAVE AFRCA ANTHOLOGY edited by Prof. Dave Gretch of Canada and reviewed by Joseph Spence Jr has featured her poetry and a paper on issues afflicting Africa and Africans. Ndeke’s poetry and other literatures in WILD FIRE PUBLICATION in America published by Susan Joyner Stumpf and Susan Brooke Langdon. ARCS MAGAZINE in New York Edited by DR. Anwer Ghani. Her women Arts Presentation was recently published by WOMEN OF ART (WOA) in Cape Coast in Ghana. Soy Poesia, in Peru, Claudette V pg 11 featured her writings with great reception.AZAHAR from Mexico, with the initiative from Josep Juarez has also featured her poetry. She is also featured in WORLD FESTIVAL OF POTRY (WFP) from Mexico under the able editorial team comprising Luz Maria Lopez INTERNATIONAL AFRICAN WRITERS from Nigeria, under the able hands of Munyal Markus Manunyi .Patricia Amundsen from Australia featured her poetry on this year’s international women’s day at Messenger of Love, Radio Station. Esteemed poetess Jolly Bhattacharjee featured my works on her greatly acclaimed awareness anthology for 2019, India. HER BOOKS. 1. LOLA-LOGUE is a tittle published in Amazon in 2017. Its a series of short stories based on a family drama. 2. Words in Motion is a poetry ebook also published on Amazon. 3. SOLIAMA LEGACY is a Novel . Also available on Amazon. 4. Musical Poesy is a children's poetry book, also available on Amazon. 5. May The Force Be With You, is an anthology of poetry published in Nairobi in 2019, with contributions from around the world. Its a tribute to her late son. Its also available on Amazon. Mazungumzo Ya Shairi 2020, co-authored with Gameli Tordzro published by AdinkraLinks Publications. She has also contributed to AYA 'The Resilient' 2020
as humans
we should give
give to the land
give to the ones
we love
give graciously and
give to ourselves
in times of need.
we all live on
one revolving world
the world does not
revolve around us
we should sever
selfishness and seek
better than that.
As humans
we should give
and give
all we have got.
AdinkraLinks met Abigail and her classmates in the 5th year English Class at St Paul's Catholic High School in Glasgow on the 5th of September. AdinkraLinks was in St. Paul's to deliver a writing workshop with the 5th year English class. Abigail's poem caught out attention. We are exited to share the poem Abigail wrote during the workshop. Please welcome our Poet of the week Abigail Campbell.
My name is Abigail and I am a young high school student from Scotland currently studying Maths, English, Physics, Chemistry and Music. I like to write poems and songs when I want to clear my mind from the stresses of life or schoolwork, it helps me to relax. I love reading, writing, any form of creative expression and helping my friends. When I am older I hope to study medicine and become a psychiatrist to continue helping others with their lives.
Check out this great video
my soul
if you are done mourning the night,
bring yourself now to the light
ere the Sun goes down,
my soul,
if you are done dancing the shadows
bring yourself now to a rest
ere you fall to your rest,
oh my soul,
if you have wandered the dream land,
bring yourself now to reality
ere you forget your name,
my soul,
if you have been bitter,
if you have been lonely,
if you have been lost,
bring yourself
now to a sanctuary
breathe in the bluesy air,
and go to sleep,
for you're tired,
and Soul needs rest
to win another day
This is the last song I sing
The last of my entertainment
I have my suitcase
I haven't let a dirt near shoes.
I want to look back
Take a peep,
bade my friends goodbye
I won't
There is no time to spare
Train to Freedom,
Is Coming now at me
I should gaps for air,
pinch me to life
If this isn't a dream.
So long now my friends,
Worry not,
For I shall pray for you
That I will be free of you
Free from your clutches.
So no more
Of my entertainments,
This is the last song i sing.
Take me away,
Far far away,
Away to my home of freedom
Doris Mawusi Amemo holds a degree on Psychology from the University of Ghana Legon. She started writing when she was 13 years old and enjoys reading, acting, singing and writing. She grew up in Obuasi and Kumasi in Ghana.
Mawusi believes in empowering others and enjoys the arts. "I get excited watching people playing musical instruments like the violin or perform in a ballet"
"My writing has improved tremendously" she hopes that through her artistic expression, others will find strength and happiness and the value of life.
Check out this great video
I want these words of mine to live to the test of a new generation
At least to ease and give them a relief when time keep slipping by on them
I’ve written this on the canvasses of life
Drenched in hurdles, pains, sweets, bloods and tears
Of the ancient people in retrospect
May they contain these bunches of my moral respect.
Once upon a child on exile,
Is no new word in this narrow way of life
Because they say hard work pays for the cost
And photos of the past keep reflecting in my mind.
I am on this exile like a pedestrian stack on a high city road searching from the biographies of epitomes of success.
Yet to reconcile
What wrong have I done?
Life is wicked
Something must be wrong somewhere
Life is just stupid
I was told paddle your canoe to your desirable destination
But mine remains me on this amputated road, what sacrifice do I need to offer?
At least to see success waving hands of goodbye
May be to see the lands of the city and those beautiful sweet women people do talk about.
I just need to travel
May be over the see
For someday, I might respond to “Efo Woezor”
For it will be beautiful for the villagers to gather and celebrate my glories too.
This life is just a matter of time
Sanity will someday knock this high density of life’s immaturity
Everything will make sense,
No matter the weight of life’s miserable dimensions
But wait a minute!
No matter the muddy rocks we walk through,
Life will just be fine.
Let’s just embrace a new day and be happy to say
'SEFASHI' is Daniel Kwame Zah's pen
He is a Ghanaian young Poet and Playwright whose focus is to heal the society around him with words and arts. He is currently holding the youngest World Poet Laureate awarded by a Philippines based poetry organisation (PENTASI B WORLD POETRY FAMILY-2018).
Sefashi which becomes a household name has been featured on both National and Private Televisions and Radios to display his acts of performing poetry. He is currently a student of Ghana Institute of Journalism.
are you leaving?
i flowed carelessly on the brown walls
of st. francis of assisi hospital.
i put my tears in holy books
and hoped that a smile cracks
to announce the presence of life.
i stepped into the ballroom
i tried to belong to music and dance
i pretended to be a man without memories.
i walked barefooted on dry leaves
i mimed the lyrics of the dirge my footsteps made.
i forgot those whose names i borrowed.
i stepped into dirty waters
i held on to everything nearer
i mentioned words in different sounds
only to realize all
i did was- just turning syllables
around and round.
your eyes brought my voice out
finally there was still the need
to ask you
are you leaving me, Casandra?
About Clifford
Oppong Clifford Benjamin is a Civil Engineer by profession and multiple award-winning Ghanaian writer.
He has authored a collection of short stories titled The Virgin Mother and Other Short Stories. It was published by Forte Publishing in 2017 in Monrovia, Liberia. Clifford's award-winning debut collection of poems titled 'Collecting Stars From A Night's Sky' was published by Poetic Justice Books & Arts in Florida, U.S.A.
His poems have appeared in KWEE Magazine and Portor Portor, both in Liberia; Ghana Writes Literary Journal and myjoyonline in Ghana; Brittle paper, Kalahari Review and WRR in Nigeria; Blog Nostics and Vagabondcity Lit both in the USA; the UK online poetry library; Poetrybit in India and many other journals. He has read his poems at literary events in Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, Liberia, Norway, Rwanda, Germany and Russia.
In 2013, the WRR poetry honoured Oppong Clifford Benjamin as the Ghana Poet of the year. In 2019, his debut poetry book won him the 3rd place in the poetry category in the grand GAW literary awards. He has been invited to teach poetry writing in Universities and High schools in Ghana and Nigeria. He has participated in writing workshops in Ghana, Nigeria, Rwanda and South Africa.
Clifford is the founder and executive director of Ghana Writes Literary Group. The fastest-growing literary company in Ghana. Well known for its ghost-writing service.
Clifford is also a young leader and Pan-African. He was instrumental in the formation of the Afrika Youth Movement. From which organization is the current Youth Envoy to the AU, Ms Aya Chebbi.
Clifford seizes the least trace of opportunity to mentor and coach young writers like himself struggling to make a living out of writing. Some of his works can be found on You may follow Clifford on Facebook:
It was in Africa that we first began to hear the Negro speak of Rivers.
It was in Africa far long ago that Zambezi told the farmers blessing in years to come.
It was in Africa that our Fathers understood the mystery of the land And Nature.
It was in Africa that songs were heard by night.
Love to brighten the light.
It was in Africa that my mother first saw the label of Woman between her thighs.
It was in Africa my brothers learnt to talk. To dance and follow after the waist of the Tapper's daughter.
It was in Africa.
In Africa it all began.
There is a river in my stomach
Calmly drowning
as the night owl travels across the land.
There is a street inside my head
A city in my eyes
I am bound
Like a captive that is free.e
Star Okpeh is a Nigerian Writer and Poet. Miombio's 'Review Princess' of African Poetry 2019 and multiple online award winner for poetry.
Star has great interest in music, drama and community service. She is the 2019 reviewer of the K & L Prize for Literature Anthology, Author Of The Dance Of Dawn, Volunteer at The African Writer's Development Trust and former Judge at Poetry Planet Publishing House, Philippines.
She is recently announced Columnist at Konya Shamsrumi, Africa's first ever poetry press. Star is an undergraduate of English Language at the University of Abuja, where she writes about literature and life as a definition of culture and its ways.
The Crossroad Called Classroom
Wondering about my learners
When they hold their pens and sheets
To venture into a world so undecided
... if only they could find their feet
Their beautiful hearts; quake at knowledge
They sit and stare
So I calm their troubled souls
filled with confusion
And erase their innocent souls engrossed with illusions
They are mine
And I am teirs
They hold their trust in the words I speak
While I tame their ignorance in a way so meek
Life gave us a path
And we met at a crossroad
A crossroad called a classroom.
AmaRose 02/2020
Rosemond Nyansafo (AmaRose) is a teacher by profession, She say “ I a poet by passion and a woman by nature”. AmaRose turned 28 years old in February 2020 and has been in active teaching for 11 years complemented by being a reading coach for the Kathy Knowles Children's Library, a librarian and an active member of the Readers' and Writers' Grotto in Accra Ghana.Rosemond studied Educational Psychology while in the University of Cape Coast and has undergone several educational and writing workshops to aid the quality of service she provides in the classroom. She is an avid reader, a fictional writer and an educationist.
I believe God was the first artist as he brought the world into being through poetic words aided by a touch of his divine paint brush. My view is that nothing is impossible if it can be tried...
Rosemond looks forward to a world where students would be able to grasp the meaning of art and use it to their advantage to solve societal problems.
Class Assignment
Nine years ago as an amateur teacher, I gave my class an assignment on their favorite colours and why they love it. It was a creative art assignment aimed at making them embrace the artistic side of life while thinking was purely a research based assignment. The next morning, I was in class calling out for my assignments I noticed one boy with red puffy eyes through his thick lens... I assumed he was having yet another problem with his eye so I didn't bother asking(I've learnt not to assume stuff for students).
Fast forward, reading and marking my assignments, I came across an exceptional work with the student describing every detail about his color; its history, its association with nature and why it is his favorite color.... Unfortunately, this brilliant work was cancelled and another written on the next page. The second one wasn't as good as the first, it looked like a copied assignment lacking the honesty and originality the first had.
I left the second work unmarked and marked the first with my comments.The owner of the write up was my little red puffy boy. I called him at the end of class and interrogated him.
"My friends say, it's a color for girls and I would grow up like them if I choose something belonging to them" . "They called me stupid because I had chosen the color (pink) to be my favorite". creative and humanly instincts were kicking and were ready to explode after listening to him.Following morning, I read a long educative and inspiring write up about my favorite color which was "black" and how my Sunday school teacher thought I was going to hell fire for choosing the devil's colour
I explained to them color was gender-less and it was a matter of choice and appreciation of one out of the different shades of nature. Class got the message.I made "red eyes" read about his favorite color not only in the class but at the school's speech and prize day.After the reading, I was the one with red puffy eyes
Stream music and playlists with SoundCloud and wow your visitors with your tunes.
A friend sends a message,
Seeking me to gather courage,
For what he heard is true,
Balla’s life was through
My heart goes Tik! Tik!
My mouth turns into a beak,
My tongue fails to speak,
Like a threatened bird I scream,
And it is all not a bad dream.
The Pastor said,
“We will see him at the next dawn”
So I am left alone,
Balla won’t be there to listen,
Balla is whole gone.
They say you are dead,
I call out for you aloud,
The lips don’t smile,
The beard is still,
Your face is pale.
They have given you a simple shirt,
It is just plain,
I know you love patterns,
At least you won’t suffocate,
In a tie and full suit.
Six feet under,
No light no thunder,
My thought wonder,
If your mind will surrender,
To the void and not wander.
Without you to understand,
I can not foster another friend,
I shall speak to the wind,
So that I do not lose my mind.
I still stay up and cry,
Tears refuse to dry.
Diana is a PhD Candidate at the Makerere Institute of Social Research in Political and Historical Studies. She began painting in her teens and kept at this art form until graduate school. From 2012 onwards she has been channeling her creativity through poetry and sociopolitical commentary.
She writes on a wide range of subjects from personal relationships to African politics
Heavenly Father,
They've told me to repent
And the mistakes never repeat
From up above, you'll hear my cries
And my sins many you'll cleanse
They've judged me
Because it has been several months
…since I last visited your house
The devil is a liar,
Right? …at least I know
That's what your book says
…I am no devil lord that I know
So, I won't be glorifying the devil
…from Monday to Saturday
Then on Sunday,
…come in your presence and lie
Tell you I am sorry knowing I'm not
Seek your forgiveness knowing my ways
I won't mend
Lord, you know I love you
But the world's sweeter and I am trapped
Every time I try to run away from its ways
I find myself back on its path
So lord, please forgive my ‘not repentant heart’
I'd love to kneel in your presence and cry buckets
Ask you for your forgiveness
Plead for your mercies
But the sinner in me is stronger
Or so I think, my mind itself is hell
And in my heart, demons dwell
I'd love your cleansing
yet, …hell feels more of home
I won't tell you I am sorry
I won't tell you I regret
I won't ask for your mercies
I won't seek for a place in heaven
I'll only tell you I love you
And your perfect world sounds sweet
But hell's sweeter
...sweeter than honey and milk
So, dear lord, …
Watch over me as I trend the evil paths
Guard me in my demons
Fill me with love that I love so deeply
I am still your child
Only a rebellious one
And a parent never casts away their child.
Copyright © Mercy Mukami
Mercy Mukami is a third year student at Masinde Muliro University of science and technology where she's pursuing a bachelor's degree in social work. She's a lover of poetry and posts most of her pieces on her Facebook timeline and on her page, The Wildflower poetry.
She is working towards her first anthology ‘Insanity Tagged Love’ to be published by AdinkraLinks Publications under Meli Creatives. Mercy says she writes mostly to release stress. Her poems are mostly stories of broken hearted girls.
Her inspiration comes from all aspects of life including, people, places, and events …anything can be an inspiration. She is currently aspiring to complete her degree and a second publication of a book before the year 2022 ends.
We bow down to the whims of time all the time
All the time we hope time will give us best times
But time gives us an equal measure bitter sweeter
times at times
In the long run, we seem to convince ourselves that we
cannot run away from time
When time from the west caught up with us,
it ambiguously brainwashed
and corrupt our cultural values in the society
Time from the west said, why don’t you try our fashion?
And society said yes!
Time from the west said, why don’t you go and build on top of soche,
Ndirande, mpingwe hills And society said yes! Yes!
And that is how, time from the west shaved our natural coat shrubs
And so, time from the west in the society just connive all the time
It draws up tyrannical laws we abide by without questioning all the times
All the time boundaries built of concrete separating the worlds of time and society
Making our culture born in the fertile fields of rosy dreams in our minds
And sadly, dies a suffocating death in the depth of our expectant bellies
What a travesty!
I wish we could control our own time in the society
I wish we could have our own dawn and sunrise
Our own breaking new ground
Our own mustard seed growing to the heights
Our own peg in a square society that we can fit in
Sadly We are authorizing time from the west to hold us back
And We cannot drive our society in our own time
Copyright © Luckie
Soche: name of township and hill in Blantyre city
Mpingwe: name of township and hill in Blantyre city
Ndirande: name of township and hill in Blantyre city
Luckier Chikopa is a young Malawian female performing poet, electrical engineer and a trained social entrepreneur.
She was born in Balaka district, southern region part of Malawi. She is the last born and has only two brothers. She has performed in different events and festivals in Malawi as well as in Lusaka Zambia at Tirembe Literary Festival in 2019. Her poems have been published in Teferet Journal of the United States of America, Libre Magazine and PEN Malawi Publications.
Luckier is the chairperson for Poetry Association of Malawi in the southern region chapter. She has worked with Blantyre Arts Festival as Arts Programs Manager and Public Relations Manager.
Currently she lives in Thyolo district where she is working with the Malawi Government as a Lecture in Electrical installation and Electronics at a Community Technical College of The Ministry of Labour Skills and Innovation.
Cycles In the perfection of Life,
Varied and ephemeral as breath
You are I, reflecting
Majesty and splendour
In fish,
As bird
As star dust
In frog and leaf
As pebble
I am you, reflecting
Her as them
Teeming with breath
Only alive and alive
Him as us
Birth and death as revolving doors
Ash to dust,
In the peace of storms
Blinking yet
The secrets of consciousness
Whispered in the ears of the deaf
Spoken by dumb tongues
Seen only through blind eyes
Laid plain but unseen
In the still of silence
The heart knows
Revealing only Truth
Ever into eternity
The cycles spinning life to life
© Marita Banda, 2021
Marita Banda is a multilingual (Tumbuka, English and French) published poet (Telling It Like It Is, 2017) and author (Traditional Zambian Etiquette for Modern Living - Youth Edition, 2019). The latter has since been adopted as a core textbook at the Zambia Institute for Diplomatic and International Studies.
Currently, she is working on several manuscripts. She is also participating in a year long art mini-lab at the Livingstone Office of Contemporary Art where she is exploring the theme of identity of indigenous societies in Africa in the global context.
Marita is a respected member of the literary community in Zambia and has served in various leadership capacities including the positions of chairperson of the Zambia Reprographic Rights Society (ZARRSO) and is founding chairperson of the Zambian chapter of the Writers Space Africa, WSA-Zambia.
She is also a member of the Zambian chapter of Pen International. Marita is co-founder of Sotrane Publishers.
One day when the scary truth announces to denounce our existence.
We, all be mourn unfinished symphonies!
Our tears are not for leaving the beautiful lie (life)
But of the unfinished symphonies that will taunt us to toast us to the last!
As we realize that inflation was our self-sabotage (when we thought we were better)
Unfinished symphonies we shall play on the memory lane as the beautiful lie, slowly sighs away. Our flutes shall play of a realization to cease from being to nothingness.
But memory held images and words of our beautiful lie.
Unfinished symphonies we shall hold as our last treasure.
Time will be precious more than gold or silver.
The ugly truth of non-existence (death) will be our last treasure.
How I wish we could all sleep away silence to simmer the bitter reality!
Not so for our unfinished symphonies that will send us back to the reply disc of the beautiful lie! Eugene S. Miti
Love a fool’s game
Under the spreading chestnut tree
I sold you and you sold me:
There we lay and here we lie.
Under the spreading chestnut tree we fooled each other.
Was it out of ignorance?
That I didn’t see through you and neither did you.
Guess it must have been love that fooled both of us.
The summer’s heat had us fooled under the spreading chestnut tree.
It is there that we made promises of a lifetime.
The shed was our witness.
As the autumn leaves dropped we made our vows.
If not for love then we would have been stupid not listen to love’s call
Now look at us we are shuddered and frail at the face of love.
Love is a fool’s game.
Wish I could say all I want of us
But it doesn’t matter now
A life’s thread of love has but roads that led me to your heart.
Love is a powerful emotion,
Love is an indescribable feeling
Only fools play the game.
In their foolishness they become masters.
Now I sit and watch on as the sun goes down.
All wrinkled I count the treasured youthful days.
Looking at the reflection in the mirror
I slowly smile at our youthful bodies.
Love took us together and made us fool each other in a golden reality.
Now I inevitably smile and say…..
“Indeed love is a Fool’s game and is only mastered by Fools,
The wise fools say it’s all a joke a thing of empty reality, yet it lives and fools”
© Eugene S. Miti
I am a young Catholic Religious Brother, in the institute of Brothers of the Sacred Heart an international institute aimed at educating, instructing and evangelizing more specially the youth. I am a aspiring poet with hope of getting to publish some of my works at some point. Aside from aspirations of being a writer, I am currently a student at Tangaza University College, doing my BEd in Education and specializing in English/literature. I was born and raised in Zimbabwe, in a family of three, two boys and being the second born. I am multilingual in Ndebele, Zulu, Shona and English. I grew up in the second largest city of Zimbabwe called Bulawayo in the Matebeland north of the country. Growing up I have always had a keen interest in reading, which resulted me doing arts subjects during my secondary school years, it there that the love of writing poetry begun. Am a renowned poet popularly known as EugeneTheSongBirdofPoetry through my facebook page. Currently I have sought to develop the skill of writing by engaging with other writers in various platforms like the Writers space Africa as well as a group of young people called pen pals. Having inspired by the nature of a bird, I then sought to create my own facebook page as way of letting my writings out there. I was really intrigued by the nature of the bird and how it sings in the morning and any part of the day depending on what has triggered the outburst of its sound, either soothing, joyful or mournful, likewise I have since written poems on whatever subject might have arisen on account of the muse. Currently I am living in Kenya, Nairobi were am undertaking my studies.
With the creator born the creation
Each creature, miniature of its distinction
With the word we adorn emotion
With greed we sing refrains of misery
With the egocentrism we dance the waltz of earthly poverty
Live without charity a crime to humanity
There are 1000 vanities,
but to love is a necessity
The peace, forgiveness and happiness ripen the hearth
But only in love (creator) does humanity find salvation
Sun of Humanity!
© António Baptista Magaia Júnior
António Baptista Magaia Júnior artistically known as Bathist Dmc is a poet, rapper, actor and screenwriter born on October 21, 1986 in the city of Maputo. He has a degree in Technologies and Information Systems from São Tomás of Mozambique University.
His passion for literature began at an early age, but he started writing in 2004, the year he started writing poetry and prose. He attended literary events such as Poetry at ICMA, Ntsindya, Ascendente Bar and later, Palavras são Palavras. Bathist is the leader of 1 Day of Hip Hop artistic movement (1DdHH) made up of poets, rappers, and thinkers who are dedicated to social initiatives such as: Raising children's books and Graffiti in primary schools, Debate events, poetry, Street dance and Networking .
He graduated in Theater at Mozambican Brazil Centre Culture. António Magaia is Co-Author of Anthologies: Poems +258 vol. 1 Anthology of Mozambican poetry, World Anthology Days of Reclusion, Poems in Tautoindriso from Aurora to a manifest, was recently Selected for the International Anthology - For a Better World to be launched in 2021 in the United States in Los Angeles. He was a finalist in the 1st and 2nd Edition of the largest Poetry Battle Contest – Moz Slam as a reciter poet.
On July 12, 2021, António was hired by Progresso Association as a writer to join a team in a children's book production workshop project financed by the Canadian embassy that lasted 3 months. This year, on 02 of April 2022, António Magaia will launch his first book entitled: “How to overcome your parents' divorce” with GiMacu publisher in Maputo City.
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